Enrolment competition for professional master studies in Protection Engineering has been announced by Partner 2 - The Higher Education Technical School of Professional Studies in Novi Sad

The Higher Education Technical School of Professional Studies in Novi Sad announced on June 6, 2018 the Competition for enrolment in professional master studies in Protection Engineering (link 1), the study programme developed within the K-FORCE project.

The accreditation process of the professional master study programme started in November 2017, and the School got the certificate of accreditation (link 2) on February 2, 2018. The potential students were immediately informed through the institution’s website about the possibility to enrol the new programme in the next school year. The Serbian version of the diploma supplement (link 3) and the list of elective courses (link 4) are presented at http://vtsns.edu.rs/studije/akreditacija-2017-2023/

In April, the website visitors were asked to fill in the questionnaire (link 5) regarding the enrolment, which was accompanied by the first information on the competition (link 6). Since the survey showed great interest of our present and former students to continue their education at professional master studies, it has been decided to postpone the competition to September 2018 in order to enable the third year students now finishing their basic studies to take part in it.

The applicants are required to have completed basic or specialist studies with 180 ECTS and (180 +) 60 ECTS, respectively. The professional master studies in Protection Engineering last two years comprising 120 ECTS, and 32 students will be enrolled in the first year. The title awarded on successful completion is the professional master engineer of protection.