Promotional and disemination activities of Higher technical school of proffesional studies in Novi Sad

K-FORCE promotion at two VTSNS conferences in January 2018

The K-FORCE project was promoted at the 13th International Conference on Risk and Safety Engineering traditionally held in the mountain resort at Kopaonik. The Conference was organized on 9-11 January, 2018 by the Higher Education Technical School of Professional Studies. The K-FORCE project was presented by the director of the School, prof. Branko Savić. The presentation included a brief introduction of the ERASMUS+ projects and the results of the study “Development of study programmes in the field of protection supported by the international projects WAMPPP and K-FORCE“.

The same presentation was repeated at the following 4th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Informatics 2018 in the organization of the VTSNS at the same venue on 12-13 January, 2018.

Agenda of Conference on Risk and Safety Engineering  

Facebook news on event 1

Agenda of Conference on Knowledge Management and Informatics

Facebook news on event 2


Media promotion of K-FORCE project by VTSNS on RTV2 channel

In the past project period, the news regarding the K-FORCE project development and implementation was broadcast twice in educational programmes on RTV2 channel of Radio-Television of Vojvodina, a regional public service broadcasting institution of the Province of Vojvodina. The first broadcasting was on 7 March  2017, when the VTSNS director Branko Savic talked about the need to develop new master professional studies through international collaboration within projects like K-FORCE to enable the graduates fast employment in industry (link 1).

The second appearance was on 6 February 2018, immediately after the VTSNS accredited its master professional programme in Protection engineering (link 2). The master programme resulting from the K-FORCE project was briefly presented, and the importance of master professional studies was pointed out as directors of other professional HEI from the Province of Vojvodina were present in the studio discussing about the future steps in this segment of higher education.


K-FORCE project presented at the diploma ceremony in the VTSNS

At the diploma ceremony held on 26 January 2018, the K-FORCE project was presented to graduates who completed basic professional studies. More than 160 people were present in the full amphitheatre (link 1). The attendees had the opportunity to hear new information from the director of the School, prof. Branko Savić, about our current higher education study programmes and about international cooperation of the Higher Education Technical School of Professional Studies in Novi Sad. The emphasis was given on the master professional studies in Protection engineering developed within the K-FORCE project.

A similar presentation is planned for the coming diploma ceremony in April 2018 when the audience will be former VTSNS students of specialist professional studies.