Established Laboratories in WBC within the K-Force project

During the academic year 2018-2019, educational laboratories are established and are fully functional for students and academic staff for six partner universities in the framework of K-Force project.

Currently, University of Novi Sad, The Higher Education Technical School of Professional Studies in Novi Sad, University of Tuzla, University of Banja Luka, University of Tirana and Epoka University have finished the process of procurement, installment and activation of all equipment for the functioning of the laboratories. The educational laboratories aim to facilitate and support in the teaching of Master academic studies and PhD studies in Disaster Risk Management field within the K‐FORCE project of the ERASMUS+ program.

The established laboratories are adapted for ICT based usage and are based on interoperability capabilities, through the learning platform, to ensure the continuous usage. The scope of each laboratory is designed to fulfill the methodological teaching and learning for every specific Master or PhD courses that are provided within the project outline. Students will be able to work with different programs for risk modeling, fire safety simulations and will apply their knowledge in different course projects, through the facilities that laboratory equipment create. Since all lectures have practical and technological nature and require the verification of results in the laboratory and on the field, these laboratories provide the necessary basic infrastructure for students.

In addition to the hardware part, the laboratories are also equipped with the software that is used directly for training students. Educational laboratories aim to improve the teaching and learning activities by offering inovative tools and platforms in Disaster Risk Management and Fire Safety studies.

Through the six higher education institutions, the Laboratories are accessible to both students and teaching staff for teaching/learning purposes as well as for research activities and broader academic interests of the institutions.

The final report of procurement, installment and activation of the laboratories linked below offers detailed information together with the list of equipment purchased by HEIs, for each WB project partner.

Report on procurement, installment and activation of the equipment