University of Tirana - UT ( was founded in 1957. Today, UT is the largest public university in the country. It includes 6 faculties, 50 academic departments, and 41 study programs or majors. At UT study about 40 thousand students in the three cycles of study. One of the goals of UT has been its international recognition. UT has signed many agreements with various universities and institutions of Europe and world. These framework agreements are aimed at academic and student exchanges, joint research programs, joint publications, etc. UT is also a member of many foreign networks, such as UNICA, UNIMED, CMU etc.

Faculty of Economy (FE), established in 1952, became part of UT in 1957. At that time, FE offered majors only in two branches: Economics and Accounting. During the years that followed, the Faculty was enlarged, and in 1990 it offered majors in six branches. After 1991, FE was reorganized and restructured radically in form and content. Today, approximately 3000 students are enrolled in Bachelor studies, over 1500 are Master students and approximately 250 are post-graduate students.

Department of Finance will be managing the project on behalf of the UT. The Department has a long history, which started with its first establishment in 1952. It currently covers over 17 subjects, taught at different levels in all branches of FE, as well as in other faculties. The Department is engaged in an intense work on curricula improvement, textbooks preparation and publishing, in order to bring the level of subjects closer to the western universities study programs of similar fields. The Department of Finance is responsible for the Program Master of Science in Finance, and Professional Master in Finance. Currently, over 1000 students are attending Bachelor degree studies under Department of Finance, over 300 students are attending Master of Science and Professional Master Programs in the field of Finance, and the Department is mentoring over 50 post-graduate students enrolled in doctoral studies in Finance. Due to its considerable contribution given especially in the field of scientific research, the Department of Finance has established a good reputation in the country and abroad, by contributing to different fields and sectors of business and economy of the country.