K-FORCE Consortium Project Management Meeting At The University Of Novi Sad

The University of Novi Sad hosted the project coordination meetings from September the 26th to September the 27th 2018, within Erasmus + project “Knowledge FOr Resilient soCiEty”- K-FORCE.

Two meetings were organized:

  • Steering Committee representatives Meeting with Western Balkan Board meeting - 26th of September 2018 - Representatives of all WBC HEIs participated in this meeting and representatives of K-FORCE Steering Committee
  • Project Management Meeting - 27th of September 2018 - Representatives of all K-FORCE Consortium members participated in this meeting.

During the first meeting open discussion was conducted on following topics:

  • Accreditation process of MPs and PhD Programme at WBC HEIs last updates: MPs are accredited/licensed at UNS, VTSNS, UBL and UTZ, and at EPOKA and UT are waiting for the last step – final License from Albanian Ministry of Education.  
  • First Cohort progress and feedback – generation 2017/2018 enrolled at UNS: the results are very good and we will proceed with surveys in order to additionally improve the programme quality according to students’ opinion.  
  • Educational Labs and finalization of Equipment procurement procedure - Update from all WBC HEIs. Procurement process has been finished successfully at all WBC HEIs, and Educational Labs are in final phase of installation.
  • Preparation of Textbooks structure, content and defining WB working groups. Two textbooks will be prepared in English: Fire Safety in Buildings and Disaster Risk Management in the Western Balkans – A comprehensive approach on technical and economic perspectives. The books will be also translated in national languages, with national appendices. The books will be published at project website as open access learning material for students and professionals.
  • SMS WBC HEIs Student mobility in the Summer semester 2019.

During the second part of the meeting open discussion was conducted on following topics:

  • PhD Research topics list
  • LLL Courses final report and implementation plan
  • Glossary – Final draft, review and work plan
  • Sustainability strategy for new accredited MPs at WBC
  • SMS Teaching mobility schedule

Special part of the meeting was devoted to Student centered learning (SCL) methodology and the workshop was organized. The workshop consisted of two parts: theoretical introduction and tasks prepared by DTU and AAL and after that representatives of WBC HEIs formed 3 working groups and discussed on possibilities to implement SCL at their institution.




  1. What we have done so far and what is ahead of us - short overview
  2. K-FORCE Licensed MP Report
  3. WBC MPs Comparative Table - Courses
  4. UNS Progress report on accreditation of PhD studies
  5. UNS Report on the first Cohort Progress and feedback
  6. Educational Labs at UNS
  7. Educational Lab at Epoka University
  8. UBL & UTZ REPORT on educational labs
  11. UBL Student Mobility courses offer
  12. UT Student Mobility courses offer
  13. UTZ Student Mobility courses offer
  14. K-FORCE List of PhD topics
  15. Final Report on LLL Courses
  16. Sustainability strategy for new MPs at WBC
  18. Report on K-FORCE Workshop on Student Centered Learning