Welcome to official site of ERASMUS + project K-FORCE

This is the official site of ERASMUS+ project, entitled: Knowledge FOr Resilient soCiEty, Project no 573942-EPP-1-2016-1-RS-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP.

This project has been funded with support from European Commission, within ERASMUS + programme.

Department of Civil Engineering
Department of Civil Engineering
Department of Civil Engineering

Master Programme

Implementation of 6 Master Programmes in 3 WB Countries brings important strategic, pedagogic, and practical challenges, particularly when legislative and educational structures differ. The work is demanding and time-consuming and there is need for support in order to be able to create programmes that are well-integrated and have highest quality...


University of Novi Sad
University of Novi Sad
University of Novi Sad

PhD programme

Implementation of new PhD programme should contribute to sustainability of all other Disaster Risk Management and Fire Safety Egineering master programs in region. These PhD students will become the future teachers and professors at the all three levels of DRM&FSE Study Programs and LLL courses....


Faculty of Technical Sciences
Faculty of Technical Sciences

Life Long Learning

The main objective is to provide continuous professional development of employees in Disaster Risk Management and Fire Safety Engineering sector in Western Balkans countries through creation and implementation of certified LLL courses for practitioners. Continuing education will be open to everyone who fulfils the admission requirements.....



8.3 Open/maintain e-library public access area


K-FORCE supports the production and adoption of Open Educational Resources in diverse European languages: Glossary of DRM&FSE key words and terms and K-FORCE On-line Library.

Educational ICT based laboratories created in WBC HEIs with interoperability capabilities and K-FORCE On-line library providing international and regional case-study and research publications. That insures common regional problem approach and knowledge compatibility also in accordance to contemporary trends in field of DRM&FSE.

Public will have an open access to K-FORCE Web portal and K-FORCE On-line library where they will found guidebooks, glossary, curriculum, guides, textbooks, conference proceedings and other. This will provide virtual mobility of teachers, students and trainees in the region and availability of materials.  




Also available in SRB/B&H and ALB



Also available in SRB/B&H and ALB




Learning platform