As part of the K-FORCE project UNIZA (P10) organised a training visit for academic staff from the Western Balkan countries. This visit took place at the Faculty of Security Engineering, University of Zilina and Besenova, Slovak Republic from January 28 – February 08, 2019. The primary focus was on gaining new teaching and research skills at the MSc level.
The following staff from WBC higher education institutions were involved:
- Mirjam Ndini from the Epoka University, Albania
- Gordana Broćeta from the University of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Llesh Lleshaj from the University of Tirana, Albania
During the the folowing activities were undertaken:
- Introductory lecture by UNIZA,
- Guided project work,
- Lab experiments,
- Final evaluation.
The programe of the visit was as follows: