Study visit & training event at the University of Ziline

Study visit and training event within the K-FORCE project was organized from January 29th to February 2nd, 2018 and hosted by the University of Ziline. The visit was split into two parts. The first part was held at the University of Zilina on Monday 29th and Tuesday 30th of January. The meeting was opened by the representatives of the University of Novi Sad and University of Zilina. The entire project consortium met during the first two days and discussed mostly management, quality and dissemination related topics. The Monday session was opened by the presentation of the Quality control report, followed by the report on dissemination activities. Subsequently, the western Balkan countries higher education institutions and partner institutions presented their self-evaluation performance reviews. The first day of the meeting was closed after discussing the self-evaluation outcomes.

On the second day (Tuesday 30th January) the majority of the morning session was dedicated to the Organization of training mobilities of WBC HEIs staff to Programme countries HEIs in summer semester 2018. The session was opened by presentations on the experiences with SMS, recommendations for implementation and evaluation of visiting lectures. Following that each of the receiving institutions presented the proposed a preliminary plan for a 13-day SMS visit and gave information on its schedule, content, organization etc. A discussion on the proposed mobilities and their programmes was held afterwards. The afternoon session was dedicated to B-Learning material and E-learning platform, the final structure of PhD. accreditation material was presented by UNS, LLL course and survey professional survey results were presented. The session was closed by a presentation on the FSE & DRM glossary.

Following the meeting a tour of the University of Zilina campus and laboratory facilities was given to the attendants. Among the presented facilities the crisis simulation laboratory, security management laboratory and the smart-city laboratory were of particular interest to the group.

The following three days (Wednesday 31st January to Friday 2nd February) were held in Besenova, Slovakia. This part of the visit was attended by the representatives of the WBC institutions, Aalborg university and University of Zilina. During these three days workshops were held in the form of discussions and brainstorming sessions aimed at the following topics:

  • B-LEARNING PLATFORM – the final workshop session was dedicated to the use of e-learning platforms in delivering the master and LLL courses in a blended way. Among the topics discussed were the potential uses of e-learning systems (Moodle, Canvas) for content storage and presentation, online testing and discussion / social networking purposes. Subsequently the possibilities for classroom (in-person) and e-learning content delivery ratio were analysed with the experiences from partners utilizing e-learning systems.
  • LEARNING MATERIAL AND WEBINARS – this part of the workshop was dedicated to the development of the learning materials. Several examples were presented and discussed. Particular attention was given to the recording of video lectures. First of the series was reviewed by the attendees and recommendations were formulated regarding to the format, structure and contents of the recorded presentations. The process of publishing the specialised text books on the FSE & DRM topics was specified in the end of this session.
  • LLL COURSES – discussion on the results obtained from the WBC survey on LLL needs and aligning them with the outcomes of the future LLL courses to be developed and delivered. Options for alignment with NQF / EQF and the possibilities for awarding of ECTS credits for attending the courses were discussed. The session was closed by a discussion on the selection and adoption of the new master course material for LLL purposes.

1. Agenda

2. Gallery 

3. Presentations


University of Skopje - Quality Control Report

University of Tirana - Dissemination Report

Self Evaluation For Performance Review

K-FORCE SMS Training Mobility Offer for Spring Semester 2018

University of Ziline - LLL Courses and Future Step

EYP - E-learning platform

Special Mobility Strand