
Continuing education will be open to everyone who fulfils the admission requirements – 2 year work experience in the DRM&FSE area.

The courses will be targeted towards adults who had already completed an education and wish to follow an education at higher level or in another field or wish to update acquired qualification within the field of their initial degree.

Partners P7-P12 will contribute in further definition the admission requirements and provide guidance to future attendees in courses selection.

LLL Courses preparation and implementation plan

Deliverable 6.5

Report on Delivery of LLL Courses in Blended Way to Professionals

University of Novi Sad

The Higher Education Technical School of Professional Studies in Novi Sad

Participants of the LLL course Risk resilience awarded certificates in the VTSNS

University of Tuzla

University of Banja Luka

University of Tirana

Epoka University